Darushan Mountain is located in the west of Haiyangsuo Town , Rushan City, Weihai City, Shandong Province, with an altitude of 216.6 meters. Seen from the air,the mountain ...
Renzu, which literally means "ancestors of humans", was so named because locals believe the mountain provided a home for Fuxi and Nyuwa, the legendary ancestors of the Chin...
“打工人”这个词最近爆火,诞生了各种段子和表情包。 就连朋友之间聊天,可能都会先问候一句:“你好,打工人!” 这句听起来挺“中二”的话,似乎击中了人们的兴奋点,大家纷纷以“打工人”...
新疆日报讯(记者张海峰报道)一个出生6个月就患重度脑瘫的孩子,会有怎样的人生?胡婧的回答是:成为高级翻译。 2019年3月,胡婧的第6本译著《一名生态学家的孕育之旅》由北京大学出版社出版。在译者序中,胡婧这样描述自己35年的生命历程:“3岁开口说话,5岁自学拼音,10岁学...
假期出门:"people mountain people sea"一开始,这或许只是略带搞笑气息的生硬翻译。然而伴随着蔡尚君执导的同名影片《people mountain people sea》(人山人海)在第68届威尼斯电影节...
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